The Doing Your Work Program

I work with individuals only. I do sessions on Zoom now, and I have found that it is a surprisingly effective way to connect with my clients. I charge $160 an hour, and I send out email invoices for the sessions through Square Payment — however, I don't take insurance. Please call me at 530-308-3867 to set up an appointment or for more information.
Disclaimer: I do not provide clinical diagnosis, medication prescriptions, or other regulated healthcare services. My services are not a replacement for clinical therapy from a licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other board-certified healthcare professional.
My coaching program is in complete alignment with modern coaching practices. I teach my clients the life skills for self-healing and life mastery.
I have a certification in Trauma Recovery Skills from Somatopia. The Core Skills Trauma Certificate training program incorporates interventions backed by leading-edge discoveries in the field of trauma recovery, including attachment theory, polyvagal theory, and interpersonal neurobiology.
I am also a Trauma Informed Certified Coach. This program focuses on learning the skills to guide clients into embracing their own trauma experience, safely and with compassion. It provided a solid foundation in neuroscience and somatic healing as well as seeing the roots of trauma in the family and society.
The foundation of the Doing Your Work program is the idea that each of us has an Emotional Body that is as real as our physical body. The Emotional Body consists of our emotional heart, emotional mind, and the autonomic nervous system, and lives woven within our physical bodies. The program's goal is to learn how to feel, listen to, and respond to the emotional experiences in our lives and relationships, especially where we get triggered and reactive in our Emotional Body.
Together in session we explore and identify the wounded emotional patterns that develop from the negative impact in our families and adult lives, and work with the skills it takes to bring healing and resolution to those patterns. This means gradually becoming fully conscious of the emotional energy we hold in our Emotional Body, which is where we carry the history of that impact and trauma. Whether we have been wounded through acts of neglect, heartlessness, abuse, violence, or denial— or trapped in unconscious abandonment, betrayal, and deprivation in our families—the Emotional Body experiences the same kind of shock, impact, and trauma as the physical body.
The parallels are exact—just as our physical bodies can experience nutritional or nurturing deprivation, tissue damage, circulation damage, or structural damage, the Emotional Body carries its damage in the form of developmental and cognitive impairment. The only real difference is that the injury sustained by the Emotional Body—and the complex grief and trauma that forms in our hearts as a result—can be partially or entirely frozen in sustained shock over time through denial, suppression, fragmentation, dissociation, and splitting.
There are four modalities in Doing Your Work that rebuild our emotional bodies and heal our nervous systems so that we have healthy choices again — 1) creating emotional literacy and sobriety, which means feeling, identifying, and articulating our emotions, while containing them in a grounded way and not acting them out with others — 2) breathwork and cognitive awareness practices to identify our trauma responses, reawaken the emotional body and balance the nervous system into a healthy projection of our authentic self — 3) discovering and rebuilding our boundaries and resolving grief in our relationships through using our awakening emotional voice and building a healthy personal narrative — 4) Reparenting, which means bonding with and reuniting with the little kid and inner teenager inside of us, so we can build a strong, emotionally integrated foundation of success for our young adult and mature adult selves
The ultimate goal of committing to doing healing work like this is to bring all of our emotional experiences into our hearts and minds for complete acceptance and self-nurturing through a balanced nervous system. As the heart and emotions unite, our minds can receive this new love as truth and shed the wounded thinking we acquire from dysfunctional relationships. From there, our authentic emotional voice can emerge in our lives and relationships.
And then, our lives can really start to work—and miracles of love become possible.